Powered by Machine Learning and User Feedback
Tasq ingests SCADA, daily, and text data to apply asset specific models to automate the assignment of work. Our tools like Signal Search, Mass Classification, and Optimization Recommendations identify work without the need for manual exploration. Tasq benchmarks optimal conditions for each asset, leading to prioritized value. Let us uncover the issues so you can action it.
Scale previous siloed knowledge across all users and capture analytics on actions. Tasq learns from user inputs to make better recommendations, and have the confidence of knowing what has worked and what hasn't. Best practices and procedures become common knowledge and with robust built-in analysis. You can track the journey and user feedback for true data utilization. Quit the scrolling through comments and make decisions intelligently.
Performance of an operation relies upon everyone being connected. Organizational bottlenecks occur when different roles work across incapable and fragmented systems. Alarm fatigue caused by SCADA only makes the headaches worse. Work management is now smart with Tasq and understands if the fix resolved the issue or not, eliminating the need to constantly monitor. Distribute work in the most efficient manner possible.